Accidents and work interruptions represent significant costs for your company. Take advantage of mandatory training to make your drivers aware of safety issues.

Does your business require you to employ truck drivers? Or coach drivers? In this case, there is no alternative: if they want to keep their certificate of professional competence (CAP), they must undergo regular training. This is an opportunity for them to perfect their knowledge in terms of safety. And for you to limit the risk of accidents, and therefore financial losses…

35 hours of continuous training every 5 years

The Royal Decree of May 4, 2007 is clear: every 5 years, a driver of a heavy goods vehicle (license C) or a coach (license D) transporting passengers or goods commercially must undergo training to continue to work.

In practice: 5 modules of 7 hours to complete, for a total of 35 hours of training. With 2 additional requirements for professionals who obtained their license after February 1, 2013:

#1 One of these 5 modules must include at least 3 hours of practical driving.

#2 Tree of these 5 modules must each cover 1 of these 3 categories:

  • Proficiency in rational driving with a focus on safety rules;
  • Application of regulations;
  • Health, road safety and environmental safety, service, logistics.

Where to take a training course?

Here again, the law has provided everything. If your drivers live and work in Belgium, the training must be provided by one of the 50 centers approved by the FPS Mobility.

If they live in another EU Member State, however, you have a wider choice, as you can choose a center approved in either country.

What types of continuing education?

Revision of the highway code, reminder of the regulations relative to working hours, prevention of (over-) accidents, introduction to eco-driving, courses on ergonomics or health and safety… there is no shortage of possibilities in terms of training. Not to mention learning how to use digital driving aids. These have become almost indispensable today, helping you stay competitive in today’s competitive environment.

The main purpose of these trainings is to ensure a minimum level of road, health and environmental safety in our country, as well as those of the European Union. You don’t live in Europe? It doesn’t matter! Wherever you live, similar training courses exist to ensure the safety of your drivers. Think about it, it is in your interest.

Of course the drivers, they are grounded for the duration of the training course, but your company will also benefit from such an awareness of safer and more environmentally responsible driving. Not only will you reduce the risk of accidents in your fleet – and therefore reduce your costs – but you will also promote a more pleasant work environment, which will help retain your staff. So much so that you may even find it worthwhile to encourage your other drivers (A or B license) to take the same type of training…

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