How long does it take from a field mission to invoicing your client? Several days? Weeks? These delays put pressure on your profitability…

An erroneous or incomplete invoice because of misplaced paper reports? A delay in invoicing due to a long information gathering process? These are all situations that put pressure on your cash flow. An inefficiency that costs your company a lot of time and money… No need to draw you a picture: invoicing is a key issue! The better you invoice, the better your cash flow. To achieve this goal, you need optimal monitoring of your field teams’ operations.

Without information, there is no (good) billing

Your challenge? To have the necessary data for real-time invoicing… How can you know, for example, the duration of an assignment? How to have a clear view of the equipment used by your worker? What if he had to make a longer trip or work overtime? How do you link this information to the service contract signed with your client? This is not an easy task since your workers are permanently in the field: on the road for deliveries or on the customer’s site to perform maintenance or repairs. What’s worse? Everything gets even more complicated if you have to manage paperwork (reports, schedules, etc.)!

Centralize with digital

Your goal is clear: to ensure fast, transparent and accurate billing of your services. All this while taking into account the many parameters: duration of the assignment; parts used; service contracts; etc. The solution? A simple, high-performance digital application that collects, centralizes and communicates all information:

  • Your worker encodes, via his tablet or smartphone, the equipment used, the nature and duration of the mission, etc. ;
  • He can attach photos and comments to his work report;
  • He can add unforeseen services requested by the client on site, which will go directly to the administration;
  • Your client immediately signs the report and validates the good execution of the operation;
  • Your administrative department has real-time access to this data and can verify, correct and validate the invoicing in the shortest possible time;
  • An integration with your management systems allows you to automate the entire invoicing process
  • Your customer receives a complete and transparent invoice quickly.

“Smart” invoicing

One of the main advantages of this digital tool? Drastically reducing your billing cycle. In the past, cash took several months to arrive in your company’s bank account… Today, a high-performance application allows you to considerably shorten the time between the service and the payment. You relieve your cash flow and make important savings. But that’s not all… The process is transparent and fast: which also allows you to avoid disagreements and complaints. The digitization of the process is also a source of simplification and optimization since the history and profile of each customer is included in your system.

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