Equip your mobile teams to issue more complete and reliable digital reports. A source of satisfaction for your customers and profitability for your company…

Technicians, delivery drivers, repairmen or home care workers? The success of your business depends on the field. A physical distance that complicates the control and monitoring of operations… With consequences on the efficiency and productivity of your company. How can you be sure of the proper execution of interventions without reliable data? How to understand delays and problems encountered on site? How can you guarantee the traceability of a service or maintenance, in a building with several elevators for example? How can you obtain your client’s firm agreement and thus close the mission?

When the field expresses itself with digital

All these questions are based on one key element: the dematerialized intervention report! A digital report that provides an overview of the service to each party involved. For your mobile worker? The task is facilitated by templates adapted and parameterized for his specific activity: pre-filled fields; check boxes; drop-down menus; checklists; etc. He can encode all key information directly on his smartphone (or tablet): nature and duration of the service; progress and actions required; equipment used or to be ordered; etc. This time saving relieves your worker and allows him to focus on the essential: customer satisfaction.

A picture is better than a long story 

Reporting plays a central role in meeting increasingly demanding and complex expectations. That’s why technology is exploring a multitude of options to enrich these reports. For example, your worker can take photos via his smartphone or tablet and attach them to his report; but also attach additional documents or notes. On the basis of these transparent elements, available in real time, your client can digitally validate the proper execution of the mission without even having to go to the office. Everyone wins…

A huge productivity boost

Your company gains agility and efficiency: a crucial advantage for increasing the profitability of your business. Dematerialized and enriched service reports mean:

  • Fewer errors and paper means greater efficiency for your mobile workers;
  • A significant gain in reliability and speed that also improves communication and planning;
  • Additional protection against claims and litigation;
  • Your technological expertise and concern for the environment enhances your professionalism and your brand image with your customers;
  • The availability of real-time reports facilitates and accelerates administrative work, especially invoicing;
  • The possibility of archiving high level of service responses carried out and obtaining statistics by customer.

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