Our era is synonymous with rapid and disruptive change. A context which disrupts companies operating vehicle fleets… How to act in the face of these challenges?

1. Uncontrolled fluctuations in fuel costs

A central issue for companies managing a fleet: even a modest spike in the price of fuel leads to a sharp rise in expenditure… An increasing pressure on prices is proving more and more difficult to predict. Therefore saving money become crucial to keep a grip on operational costs. How can you do this? Technological tools are an essential option. Among other things, they allow you to:

  • Monitor vehicle consumption;
  • Plan refuelling taking into account the most competitive prices;
  • Better manage and optimise journeys with real-time geolocation;
  • Encourage eco-driving to reduce fuel consumption.

2. Electrification of the vehicle fleet

Climate issues, carbon footprint or environmental objectives, the automotive industry is undergoing a major transformation. The trend is clear: electric cars have a head start and commercial vehicle fleets will not escape. The strategic choice is whether to anticipate change or to succumb to it. “To govern is to foresee”, so it is better to take the bull by its horns… More so as transformation rhymes with opportunities. But electrifying a fleet does not happen overnight. It is a decision that requires careful thought and planning to define its long-term sustainability. To achieve this, the data collected through technology is a precious aid to navigate by eyesight and make the right choices!

3. Job shortages

Recruitment is a real problem for companies looking for drivers, their jobs that are still somewhat misperceived. The challenge? Creating more comfortable working conditions suited to current realities. Technological tools are once again part of the solution: to improve driver safety; to lighten up their daily routine; to better plan and organise tasks; to stimulate good behaviour; etc. These are assets that must then be translated into its “employer brand” to attract and retain talent.

4. Supply difficulties

The scarcity of materials and disruptions in supply chains are creating major difficulties: soaring production delays; late deliveries; rising prices, etc. This is a context that must push fleet managers to safeguard their assets and increase their lifespan. This involves, among other things, proactive and automated management of vehicle upkeep and maintenance! A challenge made possible by digital solutions!

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